We Are Madison

High School Building and Gymnasium

Sports Field and Terrace

Elementary and Middle School

Our New Logo

Starting July 1st 2024, Madison Academy became the official name after the elementary, middle, and high school were merged into one school. Thus began the process of developing a new logo that highlighted the history, values, and mission of the school since its establishing in 1904 to today. 

A combination of staff, community members, teachers, and students all were involved in the process to make our new logo. Below you will find the elements of the logo and why they were chosen.

The Cross in the Heart 

First and foremost, we seek to magnify God. The gift of grace offered on the cross compels us to develop a relationship with Christ and give Him the glory. By intentionally placing the cross in the heart at the top of the sheild, we declare our number one priority as a school. 

The Steamboat 

In 1904, acting on their convictions to educate the South, our founders boarded Edson White's steamer "The Morning Star" on the Cumberland River near Nashville. They purchased what would later be "God's Beautiful Farm" and established a self-supporting institution. The three stars signify both the Holy Trinity, and the three geographic regions of Tennessee.

The Book

Empowering scholars to excel academically fulfills our calling as part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church's education ministry. The leaves signify the importance of agriculture and honor God's directive in Genesis 2:15. The book represents our curriculum that is challenging in content, relevant in focus, and spiritually-rich in purpose. 

The Sword

Madison Academy exists to cultivate disciples who are inspired to serve others as commissioned by Jesus in Matthew 20:28. The sword symbolizes the confidence and courage to fulfill this duty as knights in the Lord's army.